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Founded in 1985,  Filcro Legal Staffing has been recruiting for regional, national and international law firms, for over thirty-years.  Mary Suneetha as Managing Partner and CEO of Tri-Point Search manages all assets and recruitment resources in The United States.


The Firm facilitates legal recruitment objectives on the West Coast in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Palo Alto and Los Angeles. Filcro Legal Staffing as Tri-Point Search offers recruitment capabilities on the West Coast that our New York City offices have provided since 1985.


The Silicon Vally area to include San Francisco and Palo Alto have concentrations of industries and law practice specializations that Tri-Point Search / Filcro Legal Staffing serves extensively. Technology, Health Care, Transportation, Media, Retail, Energy, Intellectual Property, Investment Banking, Corporate Governance, M&A and others. 


Tri-Point Search's New York and West Coast offices work collaboratively on searches to offer a nation-wide market and candidate awareness that enhances reach when recruiting for critical assignments that often require the relocation of key employees "from or to", one of the major or minor legal business centers in the United States.


Law firms seeking the recruitment of legal professionals for East Coast, Midwest or West Coast locations will find broad legal recruitment acumen and honed practices for identifying, attracting and relocating legal professionals throughout the entire United States.   


From M&A, IP, Corporate, Marketing, Litigation and even Law Firm New Business Development, Filcro Legal Staffing offers proven efficacy in the expeditious recruitment of exceptional legal professionals throughout the Americas.

To initiate a search or inquire about our services, please contact our New York or San Francisco / Palo Alto offices.   Thank you.


Employer Contact

Mary Suneetha
Managing Director, CEO - Officer in Charge
Filcro Legal Staffing / Tri-Pont Search - 212-599-1022

Silicon Valley
 / San Francisco / Palo AltoNew York - Recruitment Groups 

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Mary Suneetha Filcro Legal Staffing
Filcro Legal Staffing NY and San Francisco

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Mary Suneetha New York
Filcro Legal Staffing West Coast
Filcro Legal Staffing

Law Firm Recruitment

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